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      Pure Water Industries (PWI) is heading into its fourth year of business and their third year of offering products via eCommerce. Let’s just say they’ve learned some things along the way, and noticed a 112% increase in business so far this year. Along the way they’ve heard that having an eCommerce site is brilliant, that it’s easy and a no-brainer. While some of these are true, it’s anything but easy. It’s not like you can just take any product, throw it online and “hope” that it is going to sell! “It takes a lot of work, and these steps have helped us build a successful and growing eCommerce site,” says, Ken Scheer Director of Marketing for Pool Services Technologies.

      1.    Research competitors to see what they are selling.
      2.    Spread the products on multiple sites like eBay, Amazon etc.
      3.    Make sure to provide customers the best deal and the best service.
      4.    Sign up for the BBB, Yelp and other sites so customers can write reviews about you and your service.
      5.    Use resources such as search engine optimization (SEO), Google Ad-words and social media to drive traffic to specified sites.
      6.    Change up the order of the products for increased visibility.
      7.    Provide professional pictures of the products along with accurate and thorough descriptions so customers know they are getting the right product.
      8.    Follow up with customers and take every order seriously, no matter how big or small.

      These tips have helped PWI build a successful eCommerce site, which has become an integral part of their business. They search every day for new products to offer their customers, and, “even though it can take a lot of work, it’s very satisfying knowing that we provide them with quality products at a fair price” says Scheer.

      Due to the increase in business, PWI is in discussions to locate a warehouse that can house the products that they offer. “We realize that this is going to take some time, and since our mobile pool water filtration and swimming pool construction divisions are doing well, it only makes sense to focus and grow this part of the business as well,” says Bruce Wettstein, President Pool Services Technologies.