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      Lowering High Levels of CYA In Pools

      Cyanuric Acid (CYA) is also known as a stabilizer and conditioner for your swimming pool. It is a chemical that is necessary to help retain chlorine in your swimming pool. However, as much as it is important, what happens when the levels get too high? Simply put, it can be a nightmare and cause you to use a lot more chlorine to keep your pool looking clear and blue.

      When you are concerned about chlorine loss, one of the most common chemicals used is CYA. The conditioner protects the free chlorine from being destroyed by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. CYA is known as a stabilizer for the chlorine in swimming pools exposed to sunlight.  It helps reduce the chlorine loss by protecting the free chlorine in the pool from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which in turn reduces the amount of chlorine needed to maintain proper sanitizer levels.  Because of this, Cyanuric Acid can help reduce the cost of maintaining a safe and clean swimming pool. Depending on whether or not you have a salt system, the normal range for CYA in your swimming pool is 30 to 50 parts per million (ppm). But, what happens when those levels are higher than 100 ppm?  We have answered that in an earlier blog post we wrote about CYA which you can find HERE!

      Typically, if your CYA, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), or Calcium Hardness levels are high which is extremely common for most residential or commercial swimming pool owners most pool professionals will recommend a drain and refill. At Pure Water Industries, we have a solution for all of them and a way to put superior water quality water back in your pool without draining it. We use Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration which can lower those and many more. Just this past week we purified a commercial swimming pool that was struggling with high levels of CYA, TDS, and Calcium Hardness.

      Initial Chemistry

      Calcium Hardness – 480 ppm

      Total Dissolved Solids – 5520 ppm

      Cyanuric Acid – 160 ppm

      After filtering this commercial swimming pool with RO filtration we were able to lower their initial chemistry to the following:

      Ending Chemistry

      Calcium Hardness – 140 ppm

      Total Dissolved Solids – 875 ppm

      Cyanuric Acid – 0 ppm

      If you should have any questions in regards to RO filtration and how it is a much better solution to a drain and refill, please contact us today!