888-432-4794 [email protected]

      Mobile RO Trailer Maintenance

      What Type of Maintenance Is Required?

      The standard recommended maintenance from the generator supplier is an oil filter change every other month and a fuel filter change every other oil filter change. In regards to the membranes, this is one of the most popular questions we get asked, and the time frame varies. This is an industrial-built RO system that is meant to filter a lot of water, thus providing extended membrane life. For example, we filtered nine million (9,000,000) gallons of water with our first set of membranes before we had them professionally cleaned (which is an option).  Purchasing new membranes can be expensive; oftentimes there is the opportunity to buy used membranes at a discounted rate, and we may be able to provide you with someone in your area. 

      You might be asking, “Why would I want used membranes?” Some industries (semiconductors, for example) require greater filtration levels than we require for swimming pools, which allows you to use a cleaned membrane at a discounted cost. Another scenario with membranes is cleaning them once a year. When this happens they send you the membranes in a bag with a preservative to protect the membranes. This preservative is typically active for up to a year, and the membranes must be used prior to that time; this will allow you to buy a backup set and regularly switch them out once a year, should you choose. 

      Step By Step Guide To Purchasing Our RO Trailers

      Pure Water Industries Logo

      Address –  4384 S 1600 W, Hurricane, UT 84737 

      Email – [email protected]