Puripool For Commercial and Residential Pools
In many parts of the United States, if you’re a residential or commercial swimming pool owner, calcium is in the fill water. It causes all sorts of issues in your residential and commercial swimming pool. It can cause scaling along the waterline and decorative tile, it can scale the interior finish, your filtration equipment, and your salt chlorinator if you have one. Asking how to remove calcium from swimming pool water is a common question in the swimming pool industry and there are two options:
- Drain and refill the current water. When you drain your pool the water you fill it up with is already moderately hard and in some areas of the country at the higher end of what is recommended for your pool. This is a common thing to do when temperatures fall below 80 degrees.
- Recycle it with our Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration to lower Calcium Hardness, TDS, CYA, phosphates, nitrates, and waterborne diseases. This process will not only conserve up to 85% of the existing water but it will also give you softer water that is much more fun to swim in.
As the temperatures rise, water in the swimming pool evaporates but the hardness minerals remain in solution and gradually build up in concentration. Over time the water gets extremely hard with calcium that it starts visually showing up along the surface of the pool and your tile. This an eyesore for swimming pool owners that have water features, rock formations, and dark tile. If you happen to take a water sample into a pool store, most pool professionals at this point will recommend a drain and refill. But, why drain, when you can recycle and prevent such a huge waste of water? Now that it is cooler this is typically the safest time to drain and refill your pool but we hope you consider saving the water instead. Many areas that our Service Providers are (California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Texas) are dealing with less water, and as a swimming pool owner, our mobile filtration trailers can conserve up to 40,000 gallons of water a day. So, please consider saving the water and using this great service!
If you should have any questions about our services, please contact us today.