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      Choosing plants for your poolside is a little more delicate that you may imagine. It’s not all about picking the plants you like and you think will look well in your backyard oasis. These decisions require a little more consideration, research, and some time. Surely you are thrilled with the idea of turning your poolside to a focal point of a peaceful and inviting oasis, and who wouldn’t be? You wouldn’t want some plants that can shed into the pool and make a mess, cause chemistry issues or others that can’t grow as they should because of unfitting conditions. To avoid any possible errors, and to create the perfect watery hideaway, examine the following tips.

      The Pool Should Be in the Spotlight

      The swimming pool is the focal point of your yard, so it is normal that you would like the plants to embellish it, and not hide and outshine it. Opt for plants that can frame perfectly by the pool, with complementary colors and shades. If the climate is appropriate, tropical plants would look astonishing besides your swimming pool.

      Avoid “Messy” Plants

      Surely you wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea of spending more time taking out leaves, flowers and fruits from the pool then actually enjoying it. Well then, choose plants that won’t clutter up your pool, to avoid a lot of maintenance work. When choosing plants, opt for the ones that don’t litter.

      Prevent the Invasion

      You should avoid trees with invasive roots. We learned from the people offering highly-rated tree services that trees with these kinds of roots can do a great damage to your pool liner, plumbing, deck, and other equipment. So, don’t opt for trees such as oaks, willows, silver maples and elms.

      Choose Heat-Resistant, Rather than Delicate  

      Choose plants that can take the heat, because your poolside will be exposed to the sun’s heat more than any other place in your backyard, because of its surrounding that reflects the sun rays. It’s desirable to have plants that are hard to pick in your pool surrounding, because chlorinated water may affect them badly, and you don’t want your plants to last for only a short time.

      All Eyes Shouldn’t Be on You

      Use plants as a way of gaining privacy in your backyard. You don’t want for your neighbors and random passers to see you while relaxing in, what should be your private space. It can be really hot during summer, so your pool should be a hideaway from the cruel summer sun. Plant trees to protect some part of your poolside in case you feel the need to chill out a bit.

      Avoid Bee Magnets

      Sure, bees are great creatures, but you wouldn’t want them in your patio. It would be quite a scandal for a bee to mistake one of your guests for a honeysuckle and you should do everything in your power to prevent that. So avoid plants that would attract bees like salvias, delphinium, larkspur, cosmos etc.

      Prevent the Sleeping Beauty Scenario

      Avoid plants that have thorns or some in other way dangerous plants. When choosing what will embellish your poolside, consider everyone’s wellbeing and safety. You don’t want someone to get hurt while walking around or retrieving a volleyball.

      Think Logically

      Common sense will be your best guide when deciding for appropriate plants. The climate and the style of your patio will influence your landscaping options. Of course you wouldn’t want to choose plants which will wither in short time because the climate is not convenient for them. And surely the decoration of your poolside should match the style of your backyard.

      Landscaping your poolside should be a practical work and an easy one, when following these tips. But you should also add your personal touch. It will, after all, be an oasis for you, your family and your friends.

      Author Bio: Lillian Connors enjoys discussing an array of topics related to green living and home improvement. She is currently in charge of the sustainability segment on Smooth Decorator. You can check her out on Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn.