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      The Puripool Process for Swimming Pools

      Many swimming pool owners ask us how often they should purify their pools using The Puripool Process? This question is asked because in many areas of the country our water is hard and the water needs to be changed. At Pure Water Industries, we highly recommend changing out your pool water at least every two years (maybe sooner if you have a salt system)! But it also depends on where you live because the water is different from state to state and city to city. Specifically in the Southwest, due to the high Calcium Hardness (CH) levels, you should change out your pool water often. High calcium levels are just one of the main reasons why residential and commercial swimming pool owners should replace their water every two years. These high levels in our tap water will cause major damages to your swimming pool, your filtration equipment, and your salt chlorinator (if you have one) as well! We understand that changing out the water in your pool might always be something you can’t do every two years but it is important to monitor it and prevent the calcium levels from rising too high which in turn will cause damage to your interior finish and so much more!

      With our Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration “Puripool Process” the water level in the swimming pool never changes and the end product is much better than tap water. In fact, you can actually drink that water that is returning to the swimming pool! The process will lower CH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), salts, CYA, waterborne diseases, phosphates, nitrates, and so much more! Not to mention, we can conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool too!

      Reverse Osmosis Quality Water

      RO quality water is extremely safe to swim in, the water quality will be softer, and it will also visually look better too. In fact, it is the best water possible! We have been purifying swimming pool water in the San Diego area since 2009, have over 25 Service Providers all over the country, and have had the opportunity to work with a variety of residential and commercial swimming pool owners with water chemistry challenges. It is safe for us to say that our product is better than a drain and refill, it is quicker, and most importantly safer. In addition, it is great for water conservation too!

      If you haven’t had the opportunity to swim in RO quality water you must give it a try. We have Service Providers all over the country that would love to work with you and give you the best water quality to swim in. If you’re curious to know more, please contact us today.