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      Pool Safety: Ways to Increase It

      A family swimming pool in the back yard can be a source of fun and exercise for the whole family, with the addition of your relatives and friends. Many people who start earning more money than before decide to upgrade their home with the installment of a swimming...

      Things To Know Before Building a Pool Patio

      There was a time when pool patios were regarded as utilitarian second thoughts. All it took to create one was a slab of concrete and perhaps a simple roof. Today, this poolside segment has come into its own and is considered an important part of the outdoor lifestyle....

      Inground Pools: Designs for Small Spaces

      Say that you have got a job in a large company and your salary has increased significantly. Instead of living in a lower working class area and a council house, you can afford moving to the suburbia. You have enough money for many things that you have been dreaming of...